Network Management Web Redesign
Since Network Management is a paid-for product of Entegral, I can only show designs privately.
If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you know how stressful it is figuring out where to get it repaired and how your insurance fits in. Insurers recognize this, so managing all of the different auto shops they have a relationship with and can send their customers has become a high priority. Entegral’s Network Management redesigned web app lets insurers build and maintain their networks of auto repair shops to ensure customers are recommended the best place to fix their damage.
Entire UX process from concepting, research, testing, and designing
Summer 2018 – 2019
Designing the new Network Management experience
As a UX Designer at Entegral, I researched and designed the new Network Management experience.
Understanding the previous solution
Researching at Entegral made me very familiar with Post-It notes, that’s for sure. Whether it’s conducting research in workshops or putting an idea down on a whiteboard, they’ve become one of my most used tools.
One of my initial projects was to analyze customer requests in JIRA and present findings to management to guide future Network Management decisions. These findings were then used in a Google Ventures Design Sprint that the Entegral UX/UI team conducted, which consumed many, many Post-It notes. The sprint consisted of many activities to get down to what could be improved about Network Management. Such activities include How Might We’s, solution sketches, and storyboarding.
Prototyping and Usability Testing
Part of my research entailed designing prototypes in Adobe XD and testing them with both internal and external stakeholders. This involved preparing protocols to best elicit good user feedback, much of which were heavily inspired from the ones sampled in Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think. During my time at Entegral, I tested more than 10 internal stakeholders and conducted the company’s first ever usability tests with external stakeholders with four participants at large insurance companies.
After synthesizing findings from user feedback, I jumped into Adobe XD again to create UI designs for development. Design work included creating specs and identifying what components to use for developers, as well as establishing a library of current patterns for the rest of the UX/UI team to use.